
  • State

  • Region Size

    25091.43 (Sq Kms)
  • Population

  • Largest Regional City

  • No. of Jobs

  • Median Weekly Household Mortgage

  • Median Weekly Household Rent

  • Region is known for

    Stunning beaches and wineries
Data Source: Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map of Towns in Hunter

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Discover Hunter

Hunter is fast becoming a popular lifestyle destination for families. Known for its access to local beaches and wineries, it is a great place to live, work and play. With a range of education opportunities, including world-class universities, and an abundance of job opportunities in diverse sectors, including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and the thriving wine industry. Hunter also offers activities for everyone, from exploring national parks and beautiful beaches to indulging in world-class wineries and vibrant arts and cultural events. In the Hunter region, you’ll discover so much more of everything you enjoy in life.


People are the heart of all communities. Get a picture of Hunter by understanding the people who live there.

  • 683,546

    Estimated resident population (no.)

  • 39

    Median age - persons (years)

  • 426,649

    Working age population (aged 15-64 years) (no.)

  • 43,298

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (no.)

  • 75,790

    Persons born overseas (no.)

Hunter Adelaide Hills Population Statistics

From small locally owned businesses to larger operations, industries in Hunter form an important part of the community.

  • 50,114

    Total number of businesses


A move to more means creating a better life for yourself. Gain insight into the job market in Hunter to assist in your decision-making.

  • 502,811

    Number of jobs (no.)

  • 767

    Median weekly personal income ($)

  • 50,114

    Total number of businesses


Discover the household make-up of those already living in Hunter to help you decide if this is the right region for you.

  • 267,597

    Total households (no.)

  • 2.6

    Average household size (no. of persons)

  • 1,011

    Median equivalised total household income (weekly) ($)

  • 1,850

    Median monthly household mortgage payment ($)

  • 370

    Median weekly household rental payment ($)


Have confidence that Hunter has the services you need to support your lifestyle. This is a vital step in your decision to move to more.

  • 17

    Number of Hospitals

  • 6

    Number of Airports

  • 2

    Number of Universities

Moving to Hunter



Hunter has experienced a population boom in recent years and the Department of Planning predicts an extra 131,500 people will live in the region by 2041. And, it’s not hard to see why. Affordable housing, the breadth of opportunity and the clean air and open space make Hunter a wonderful place to live. From the beaches in the Newcastle Port Stephens area to the country wineries throughout, and the bushwalking and mountain bike trails on offer at the Yengo National Park. You’ll discover endless opportunities to live a life with more in the Hunter.



Enjoy more choice in educational opportunities with a wide variety of public and private schools on offer as well as childcare centres. The University of Newcastle is regarded as one of Australia’s best, known worldwide for its schools of Medicine, Nursing, Engineering and Architecture. You’ll also find a highly regarded TAFE with 16 campuses. As a centre for manufacturing, mining, retail, health, tourism education, environmental services, information technology, call centres, finance and insurance, the Hunter also offers a diverse range of real employment choices at every level.

Best Towns to Live in Hunter



Hunter is close to everything that counts, there’s McDonald Jones Stadium for sports fans, Fort Scratchley for events and the Civic Theatre for performances. On your doorstep are the world-renowned Hunter Valley wineries or the magnificent mountain scenery of the Barrington Tops. It also offers easy access to the scenic Central Coast, is less than two hours’ drive to Sydney, and has direct flights to most Australian capital cities.

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