Murray River, Lakes and Coorong

  • State

  • Region Size

    24503.61 (Sq Kms)
  • Population

  • Largest Regional City

    Murray Bridge
  • No. of Jobs

  • Median Weekly Household Mortgage

  • Median Weekly Household Rent

  • Region is known for

    Natural beauty and community spirit
Data Source: Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map of Towns in Murray River, Lakes and Coorong

Discover Murray River, Lakes and Coorong

The Murray River, Lakes, and Coorong region provides a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and a strong sense of community. Whether you’re seeking a change of scenery, career opportunities, or a more laid-back lifestyle, this region is a diverse location to live, work, and thrive.


People are the heart of all communities. Get a picture of Murray River, Lakes and Coorong by understanding the people who live there.

  • 38,012

    Estimated resident population (no.)

  • 46

    Median age - persons (years)

  • 22,639

    Working age population (aged 15-64 years) (no.)

  • 1,745

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (no.)

  • 4,295

    Persons born overseas (no.)

Murray River, Lakes and Coorong Adelaide Hills Population Statistics

From small locally owned businesses to larger operations, industries in Murray River, Lakes and Coorong form an important part of the community.

  • 3,301

    Total number of businesses


A move to more means creating a better life for yourself. Gain insight into the job market in Murray River, Lakes and Coorong to assist in your decision-making.

  • 26,670

    Number of jobs (no.)

  • 587

    Median weekly personal income ($)

  • 3,301

    Total number of businesses


Discover the household make-up of those already living in Murray River, Lakes and Coorong to help you decide if this is the right region for you.

  • 15,954

    Total households (no.)

  • 2.4

    Average household size (no. of persons)

  • 705

    Median equivalised total household income (weekly) ($)

  • 1,083

    Median monthly household mortgage payment ($)

  • 230

    Median weekly household rental payment ($)


Have confidence that Murray River, Lakes and Coorong has the services you need to support your lifestyle. This is a vital step in your decision to move to more.

  • 6

    Number of Hospitals

Tourism Australia


Cultural connection

Spend your weekends engaging with the region’s rich cultural heritage by visiting charming towns and historical sites that share stories of indigenous traditions and European settlement. Embrace the warmth of close-knit communities, where a strong sense of belonging fosters connections and a welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy a relaxed, enriched lifestyle, complemented by excellent agricultural produce and a thriving food scene that showcases local delicacies in the Murray River, Lakes, and Coorong region.

Tourism Australia



Experience the beauty of this breathtaking region, where pristine waterways, scenic lakes, and the untouched wilderness of the stunning Coorong will help you reconnect with nature. Enjoy the ultimate outdoor lifestyle, from boating and fishing on the mighty Murray River to exploring the diverse birdlife and rich history of the Coorong. This region is a haven for nature lovers, providing endless opportunities to immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world.

Towns of Murray River, Lakes and Coorong

Explore towns, each with their own unique character and attractions, providing a range of opportunities for living, working, and exploring in this picturesque region of South Australia.

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