
  • State

  • Region Size

    8422.83 (Sq Kms)
  • Population

  • Largest Regional City

  • No. of Jobs

  • Median Weekly Household Mortgage

  • Median Weekly Household Rent

  • Region is known for

    Agricultural richness, and quality education
Data Source: Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map of Towns in Goulburn

Discover Goulburn

With its picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and welcoming communities, Goulburn offers more quality of life. The region boasts a diverse economy with job opportunities in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and education. Affordable housing, excellent schools and tertiary education institutions including La Trobe university and the University of Melbourne combine to make Goulburn the perfect place to call home.


People are the heart of all communities. Get a picture of Goulburn by understanding the people who live there.

  • 129,319

    Estimated resident population (no.)

  • 39

    Median age - persons (years)

  • 80,317

    Working age population (aged 15-64 years) (no.)

  • 3,968

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (no.)

  • 20,240

    Persons born overseas (no.)

Goulburn Adelaide Hills Population Statistics

From small locally owned businesses to larger operations, industries in Goulburn form an important part of the community.

  • 12,464

    Total number of businesses


A move to more means creating a better life for yourself. Gain insight into the job market in Goulburn to assist in your decision-making.

  • 96,858

    Number of jobs (no.)

  • 733

    Median weekly personal income ($)

  • 12,464

    Total number of businesses


Discover the household make-up of those already living in Goulburn to help you decide if this is the right region for you.

  • 49,939

    Total households (no.)

  • 2.6

    Average household size (no. of persons)

  • 922

    Median equivalised total household income (weekly) ($)

  • 1,500

    Median monthly household mortgage payment ($)

  • 280

    Median weekly household rental payment ($)


Have confidence that Goulburn has the services you need to support your lifestyle. This is a vital step in your decision to move to more.

  • 4

    Number of Hospitals

  • 2

    Number of Airports


Career choice

No matter your skills, experience, or background you’ll discover more opportunities to grow and develop your career in Goulburn. Agriculture and processing are major employers in Goulburn, including in the fruit and vegetable industry, along with dairy, cattle, sheep, and grain production. There are also plentiful career options in electricity, gas, water and waste services, health care and social assistance, manufacturing, tourism, transport, retail, trades, and professional services.


Investment in the future

There has been significant government investment delivering a range of improvements to public transport, country roads, tourism infrastructure and health facilities, and initiatives such as Free TAFE for priority courses. Discover a new Health and Community Services training facility at GOTAFE in Seymour and the new VLocity trains that will run on the North East line.

Towns of Goulburn

You’ll discover so much choice in towns across Goulburn. From Shepparton, the largest city, providing tertiary education and cultural services, to towns like Seymour and Strathbogie offering picturesque landscapes and family-friendly communities.

More about Goulburn

Learn about people who’ve already made the move to more in regional Australia

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