Flinders Ranges and Outback

  • State

  • Region Size

    825833.26 (Sq Kms)
  • Population

  • Largest Regional City

    Port Augusta
  • No. of Jobs

  • Median Weekly Household Mortgage

  • Median Weekly Household Rent

  • Region is known for

    Rich cultural heritage
Data Source: Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map of Towns in Flinders Ranges and Outback

Discover Flinders Ranges and Outback

Living and working in the Flinders Ranges and Outback region offers a chance to reconnect with nature, immerse yourself in a rich cultural heritage, and enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle. This region offers a dramatic departure from urban life, with its ancient landscapes and captivating natural wonders. From Aboriginal rock art galleries to diverse wildlife, this is a place where adventure and awe-inspiring landscapes are on your doorstep.


People are the heart of all communities. Get a picture of Flinders Ranges and Outback by understanding the people who live there.

  • 54,698

    Estimated resident population (no.)

  • 41

    Median age - persons (years)

  • 34,074

    Working age population (aged 15-64 years) (no.)

  • 7,102

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (no.)

  • 4,626

    Persons born overseas (no.)

Flinders Ranges and Outback Adelaide Hills Population Statistics

From small locally owned businesses to larger operations, industries in Flinders Ranges and Outback form an important part of the community.

  • 3,540

    Total number of businesses


A move to more means creating a better life for yourself. Gain insight into the job market in Flinders Ranges and Outback to assist in your decision-making.

  • 37,614

    Number of jobs (no.)

  • 637

    Median weekly personal income ($)

  • 3,540

    Total number of businesses


Discover the household make-up of those already living in Flinders Ranges and Outback to help you decide if this is the right region for you.

  • 23,441

    Total households (no.)

  • 2.3

    Average household size (no. of persons)

  • 786

    Median equivalised total household income (weekly) ($)

  • 1,000

    Median monthly household mortgage payment ($)

  • 186

    Median weekly household rental payment ($)


Have confidence that Flinders Ranges and Outback has the services you need to support your lifestyle. This is a vital step in your decision to move to more.

  • 15

    Number of Hospitals

  • 31

    Number of Airports

Moving to Flinders Ranges and Outback


Real experiences

The Flinders Ranges and Outback region thrives as a key producer of sheep, cattle, and grains. Friendly pubs and distinctive food and wine are also part of the region’s charm. Whether you’re working as a grain harvester, tour operator, chef, or waitstaff, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in real experiences that showcase the region’s agricultural and culinary offerings. The diverse communities in this region, shaped by history and ancient landscapes, contribute to its rich and distinct culture.

Living in Flinders Ranges and Outback


Life-changing adventure

From the majesty of Wilpena Pound, a lost world nestled inside a giant stone crater, to thrilling adventures along South Australia’s legendary desert tracks, the Flinders Ranges and Outback offers a life-changing experience. Spend your weekends exploring national parks like Ikara-Flinders Ranges, Mount Remarkable, and Innaminka Regional Reserve. From the region’s 100km naturally formed amphitheatre, to Australia’s largest Salt Lake, and the ochre-coloured hills of the Painted Desert this region will make its mark on your life.

Towns of Flinders Ranges and Outback

Each town has its own character, shaped by a diverse history and the people who call this region home. The Flinders Ranges and Outback region is a place of profound beauty and endless possibilities.

More about Flinders Ranges and Outback

Learn about people who’ve already made the move to more in regional Australia

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