Central Murray

  • State

  • Region Size

    8600.7 (Sq Kms)
  • Population

  • Largest Regional City

  • No. of Jobs

  • Median Weekly Household Mortgage

  • Median Weekly Household Rent

  • Region is known for

    Outdoor adventures and fertile soil
Data Source: Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Map of Towns in Central Murray

Discover Central Murray

Experience the best of nature, history, arts, and culinary delights in the Central Murray region of Victoria. Immerse yourself in red gum forests, sandy river beaches, and charming towns like Echuca Moama and Deniliquin. Discover a vibrant arts scene, rich in local indigenous art and historical significance. Indulge in fresh produce and award-winning wines, and explore the breathtaking natural landscapes, offering endless outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, kayaking, and fishing. The Central Murray region is a paradise for those seeking a diverse life with more.


People are the heart of all communities. Get a picture of Central Murray by understanding the people who live there.

  • 69,054

    Estimated resident population (no.)

  • 47

    Median age - persons (years)

  • 39,640

    Working age population (aged 15-64 years) (no.)

  • 1,820

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (no.)

  • 5,978

    Persons born overseas (no.)

Central Murray Adelaide Hills Population Statistics

From small locally owned businesses to larger operations, industries in Central Murray form an important part of the community.

  • 7,750

    Total number of businesses


A move to more means creating a better life for yourself. Gain insight into the job market in Central Murray to assist in your decision-making.

  • 52,988

    Number of jobs (no.)

  • 650

    Median weekly personal income ($)

  • 7,750

    Total number of businesses


Discover the household make-up of those already living in Central Murray to help you decide if this is the right region for you.

  • 28,903

    Total households (no.)

  • 2.4

    Average household size (no. of persons)

  • 802

    Median equivalised total household income (weekly) ($)

  • 1,300

    Median monthly household mortgage payment ($)

  • 250

    Median weekly household rental payment ($)


Have confidence that Central Murray has the services you need to support your lifestyle. This is a vital step in your decision to move to more.

  • 7

    Number of Hospitals

  • 2

    Number of Airports

Moving to Central Murray



Whether you enjoy hiking through scenic trails, camping under the stars, kayaking along tranquil waterways, or embarking on 4WD adventures, this region offers something for everyone. The majestic Murray River provides the perfect setting for water sports like water skiing and fishing. Central Murray’s strong indigenous heritage can be experienced through the many guided cultural tours taking in ancient rock art sites, dreamtime stories, and showcasing the traditional Aboriginal way of life. And all of this is on your doorstep – making it easy to create a life with more adventure.

Living in Central Murray



Central Murray is full of abundance. You’ll find a wide variety of fresh produce, from tomatoes and garlic to delicious fruits and vegetables grown in the fertile soil. The region is also home to thriving vineyards, producing world-class wines and locally crafted spirits. Spend weekends and evenings exploring the breathtaking natural landscapes including wetlands, and ancient rock formations. It’s easy to see how you can create a life of abundance in Central Murray.

Towns of Central Murray

Explore Echuca, known for its paddle steamers and colonial history, Moama, renowned for its sunny atmosphere, and Deniliquin, an oasis on the Edward River offering scenic beauty and endless outdoor recreational opportunities.

More about Central Murray

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