Living in
Yarra Glen, VIC

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Yarra Glen is a town in Victoria, Australia, 40 km north-east from Melbourne’s central business district. Its local government area is the Shire of Yarra Ranges.

Images credit: Tourism Australia

Yarra Glen

Living in regional Australia gives you access to a wealth of community services, such as hospitals, libraries, bars and eateries.

Data source: Department of Health Commonwealth declared hospitals [2021], Australia Post. Google [2021]

Amenities within 50km of Yarra Glen

Doctors & Allied Health
Post Office
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Groceries & Convenience

Yarra Glen

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Based on LGA data

Median House Price


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Data source: ABS, [2019, 2020], LGA updated [2021], Corelogic [2025]

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    Yarra Glen

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    Number of Institutions


    Data sources:

    Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, Wikipedia, 4icu.

    Schools And Universities in Yarra Glen

    Education within 25KM of Yarra Glen

    299 Childcare Centres
    yarra glen early learning centre
    yarra glen preschool
    kin osh program
    coldstream primary school oshc
    coldstream preschool
    st andrews primary school outside school hours care
    chum creek primary school oshc
    como park child care & kindergarten
    panton hill preschool
    lilydale ps oshc - extend
    panton hill ps theircare
    kindy patch lilydale
    victoria road oshclub
    haig avenue preschool
    wonga park ps theircare
    robyn jane children's centre inc
    lilydale lakeside children's centre
    chirnside park preschool
    kinglake west combined outside school hours care
    queens park kindergarten
    yarralinda early learning centre
    burch family memorial preschool
    rolling hills primary school oshc
    cire children’s services mount evelyn
    wandin north ps theircare
    oxley kids
    lakeview kindergarten & childcare
    cire outside school hours care badger creek
    fernhill preschool
    bimbadeen heights oshclub
    bimbadeen preschool
    birmingham primary school oshc
    badger creek preschool
    kangaroo ground primary combined oshc
    kinglake primary school combined oshc
    mt evelyn early learning centre
    manchester primary school oshc
    natural wonders early learning
    mt evelyn memorial preschool
    edinburgh early learning centre
    lancaster preschool
    croydon north kindergarten
    wandin preschool
    milestone kindergarten & early childhood centre
    billanook college - early learning program
    foundations family day care
    kingkids early learning centre and kindergarten mooroolbark
    joy avenue kindergarten
    camp australia - yarra road primary school oshc
    st mary's mt evelyn theircare
    barngeong reserve kindergarten
    hurstbridge primary oshc
    mount evelyn primary school combined oshc
    hurstbridge preschool
    children's house of early learning
    gray court preschool
    bright horizons australia childcare croydon north
    hurstbridge children's centre
    seville preschool
    seville primary school oshc
    st peter julian eymard oshc
    pooh bear's house
    warrandyte child care & preschool centre co-op ltd
    mooroolbark early childhood education centre
    goodstart early learning montrose
    goodstart early learning mooroolbark
    bilingual montessori early learning
    3c kidz care mecs
    mount evelyn christian school kindergarten
    yarra warra preschool
    after the bell aus- wandin yallock ps
    croydon hills primary school oshc program
    middle kinglake primary school combined oshc
    eltham college oshc
    brentwood park kindergarten
    camp australia - wattle glen primary school oshc
    kinglake ranges children's centre
    warrandyte communityosh
    good shepherd lutheran oshclub
    camp australia - kilsyth primary school oshc
    hansen park preschool
    research primary oshclub
    warranwood ps theircare
    research preschool
    kardinia child care centre
    aussie kindies early learning kilsyth
    camp australia - croydon primary school oshc
    teamkids - ruskin park primary
    ruskin park primary school combined oshc program
    platypus junction croydon pty ltd
    nido early school montrose
    sarah court preschool
    montrose preschool
    lets go family day care
    goodstart early learning croydon
    melbourne rudolf steiner school oshc
    melbourne rudolf steiner kindergarten
    warrandyte kindergarten
    montrose ps theircare
    hewish road child care centre
    youth leadership victoria st richard's
    kilsyth kids educare centre
    palm grove preschool
    st johns kindergarten
    diamond creek east oshc
    croydon early learning and childcare centre
    croydon vacation care
    discovery childcare and education
    teamkids - community bank stadium
    andersons creek ps theircare
    story house early learning diamond creek
    after the bell aus- gladesville ps
    yarra valley grammar school early learning centre
    diamond creek memorial kindergarten
    maroondah occasional care
    croydon central kindergarten
    kalinda ps theircare
    children's corner learning centre
    headstart early learning centre croydon
    sacred heart parish school oshclub
    occasional child care centre diamond creek
    oban kindergarten
    croydon gums kindergarten
    kids own early childhood learning centre
    eltham learning centre for children
    ness reserve pre-school
    big childcare - dorset ps oshc
    woori yallock kindergarten
    pinjarra kindergarten
    the learning sanctuary park orchards
    billanook primary school oshc
    mt dandenong preschool
    holy spirit community school oshc - extend
    park orchards kindergarten
    goodstart early learning ringwood
    park orchards oshclub
    cire outside school hours care woori yallock
    mount dandenong oshclub
    ringwood north primary school oshc
    teamkids - ringwood north primary
    eltham north p.s outside school hours care
    woodridge preschool
    eltham east out of school hours care
    ringwood east childcare & kindergarten
    guardian childcare & education doncaster east
    north ringwood preschool inc
    goodstart early learning croydon south
    camp australia - plenty valley christian college oshc
    eltham north preschool
    yarrambat / plenty preschool
    plenty kids early learning centre
    st helena preschool
    north ringwood community children's centre inc.
    north-eastern montessori school oshc
    bayswater north kindergarten
    hippity hop childcare
    tinternvale oshclub
    north-eastern montessori school
    bayswater north oshclub
    glen katherine primary school year round care program
    donvale christian college oshclub
    our lady help of christians oshclub
    gumnut gully preschool
    eltham preschool
    tintern grammar early learning centre & oshc
    team holiday - tintern grammar
    yarrambat primary out of school hours care
    butterflies child care centre pty ltd
    smiling children early learning centre
    butterflies childcare & early learning centre
    knaith road child care centre
    eltham oshclub
    carey early learning centre donvale
    milestones early learning ringwood
    kids on mullum child care centre
    goodstart early learning eltham
    carey donvale oshclub
    arrabri kindergarten inc
    oshclub holy trinity
    nido early school bayswater north
    andersons creek road early learning & kinder
    ringwood heights primary school oshclub
    tarralla kindergarten
    pines learning
    norwood kindergarten
    sutherlands child care & kindergarten
    maroondah family day care
    bestchance family day care
    meruka child care centre
    orchard road community and early learning centre
    our lady of the pines oshclub
    pinemont preschool
    sherbourne preschool
    wahroonga preschool
    goodstart early learning doncaster east
    camp australia - sherbourne primary school oshc
    our lady of perpetual help oshc - extend
    ringwood uniting church kindergarten
    heathmont east early learning centre
    teamkids - milgate primary
    top kids childcare & pre-school
    teamkids - heathmont east primary
    guardian childcare & education laurimar
    launching place preschool
    st thomas apostle oshclub
    briar hill preschool
    greenwood park kindergarten
    hazel glen college children's programs
    heathmont east kindergarten
    community kids haven greensborough
    don valley primary school oshc
    st helena early learning
    laurimar primary outside school hours care
    laurimar kindergarten
    nido early school templestowe
    colchester park preschool
    laurimar township childcare and kindergarten
    st francis xavier oshclub
    boronia heights oshclub
    greenhills oshclub
    launching place ps oshc - extend
    panorama heights preschool
    guardian childcare & education montmorency
    goodstart early learning lower plenty
    st faith's child care and early learning centre
    alchester village preschool
    camp australia - montmorency south primary school oshc
    leap ahead learning
    the basin oshclub
    campbell road early learning & kinder
    youth leadership victoria - st charles borromeo catholic primary school oshc
    heathmont kindergarten
    camp australia - st paul the apostle catholic primary school oshc
    mcm early years hub doreen
    camp australia - montmorency primary school oshc
    team holiday - greensborough
    wallaby early learning centre greensborough
    camp australia - templestowe park primary school oshc
    teamkids - templestowe park primary
    nido early school donvale
    imagine childcare and kindergarten templestowe
    donvale early learning centre
    apollo parkways p.s. oshc
    camp australia - briar hill primary school oshc
    yandell kindergarten
    honey beez early learning centre
    the basin kindergarten
    montessori early education centre
    little sunshine early learning
    teamkids - antonio park primary
    goodwin estate kindergarten
    little jazzys child care and kindergarten
    birch street children and family centre
    tinkabell early learning centre
    sassafras preschool
    after the bell aus- bayswater primary school
    camp australia - boronia k-12 college oshc
    dr stanley cochrane memorial preschool
    mitcham oshclub
    happy campers family day care
    heatherdale preschool
    camp australia - donburn primary school oshc
    apollo parkways preschool
    our lady of lourdes parish (bayswater) combined oshc
    goodstart early learning boronia albert avenue
    joyce avenue children's centre
    villa bambini
    bayswater childcare & kinder
    lower plenty oshclub
    nino early learning adventures - montmorency
    marlborough primary school out of school care
    mykidz early learning centre
    doncaster east preschool centre
    donvale primary oshclub
    tunstall square kindergarten
    kiddy palace learning centre
    morang south ps theircare
    boronia k-12 college early learning centre
    noni's nursery
    lower plenty kindergarten
    mernda ymca early learning centre, mernda park ymca before and after school program, mernda ymca holiday program
    doncaster gardens ps theircare
    south morang preschool inc - riverside
    haering road kindergarten
    knox children and family centre (bayswater)
    bayswater west primary school combined oshc
    greensborough oshclub
    try grace park preschool
    teamkids - bayswater south primary
    warekila preschool
    brighthouse early learning south morang
    rangeview oshclub
    ss peter & paul's out of school hours care
    templestowe preschool
    team holiday - doncaster east
    marymede early learning centre
    doncaster gardens preschool
    south morang preschool
    watsonia heights ps theircare
    150 Primary Schools
    st andrews primary school
    strathewen primary school
    panton hill primary school
    arthurs creek primary school
    christmas hills primary school
    learning co-operative school
    hurstbridge primary school
    middle kinglake primary school
    yarra glen primary school
    kinglake primary school
    seville primary school
    dixons creek primary school
    doreen primary school
    wattle glen primary school
    kinglake west primary school
    kangaroo ground primary school
    plenty valley christian college
    wandin yallock primary school
    diamond creek east primary school
    laurimar primary school
    oneschool global vic
    ashley park primary school
    hazel glen college
    sacred heart school
    yarrambat primary school
    eltham college
    diamond creek primary school
    ivanhoe grammar school - plenty campus
    st paul the apostle catholic primary school
    research primary school
    yering primary school
    wonga park primary school
    mountain district christian school
    silvan primary school
    plenty valley international montessori school
    mernda park primary school
    glen katherine primary school
    eltham north primary school
    eltham east primary school
    st thomas the apostle school
    holy trinity primary school
    marymede catholic college
    morang south primary school
    warrandyte primary school
    chirnside park primary school
    coldstream primary school
    toolangi primary school
    our lady help of christians school
    greenhills primary school
    chum creek primary school
    apollo parkways primary school
    launching place primary school
    andersons creek primary school
    sherbourne primary school
    don valley primary school
    victoria road primary school
    eltham primary school
    st patrick's school
    lilydale primary school
    oxley christian college
    village school
    st paul's school
    st francis xavier primary school
    yarra road primary school
    briar hill primary school
    yarralinda school
    montmorency primary school
    rolling hills primary school
    montmorency south primary school
    manchester primary school
    greensborough primary school
    warranwood primary school
    bimbadeen heights primary school
    croydon hills primary school
    lower plenty primary school
    melbourne rudolf steiner school
    st anne's school
    watsonia heights primary school
    mount dandenong primary school
    tinternvale primary school
    bayswater north primary school
    tintern grammar
    good shepherd lutheran primary school
    yarra valley grammar
    eastwood primary school
    woori yallock primary school
    park orchards primary school
    donvale christian college
    gruyere primary school
    carey baptist grammar school - donvale campus
    olinda primary school
    healesville primary school
    templestowe park primary school
    st brigid's school
    st peter julian eymard
    kalinda primary school
    mooroolbark east primary school
    birmingham primary school
    our lady of the pines school
    milgate primary school
    our lady of perpetual help school
    edinburgh college
    croydon primary school
    billanook college
    ainslie parklands primary school
    heathmont east primary school
    st charles borromeo school
    serpell primary school
    billanook primary school
    holy spirit school
    wandin north primary school
    great ryrie primary school
    boronia heights primary school
    ringwood north primary school
    sacred heart school
    ruskin park primary school
    pembroke primary school
    sassafras primary school
    the basin primary school
    mullum primary school
    st bernadette's catholic primary school
    kilsyth primary school
    antonio park primary school
    mitcham primary school
    bayswater primary school
    sherbrooke community school
    heritage college knox - main campus
    donburn primary school
    st richard's primary school
    doncaster gardens primary school
    our lady of lourdes school
    ringwood heights primary school
    mount evelyn primary school
    marlborough primary school
    mount evelyn christian school
    donvale primary school
    badger creek primary school
    dorset primary school
    st mary's school
    ghilgai school
    boronia k-12 college
    st john's school
    gladesville primary school
    bayswater west primary school
    boronia west primary school
    montrose primary school
    ss peter & paul's school
    rangeview primary school
    bayswater south primary school
    beverley hills primary school
    42 High Schools
    plenty valley christian college
    diamond valley college
    oneschool global vic
    hazel glen college
    eltham college
    ivanhoe grammar school - plenty campus
    mountain district christian school
    st helena secondary college
    marymede catholic college
    lilydale heights college
    yea high school-eltham birribi
    catholic ladies' college ltd
    mount lilydale mercy college
    oxley christian college
    eltham high school
    warrandyte high school
    lilydale high school
    montmorency secondary college
    mooroolbark college
    melbourne rudolf steiner school
    tintern grammar
    luther college
    yarra valley grammar
    donvale christian college
    carey baptist grammar school - donvale campus
    ringwood secondary college
    yarra hills secondary college
    edinburgh college
    billanook college
    melba secondary college
    aquinas college
    healesville high school
    croydon community school
    bayswater secondary college
    whitefriars college inc
    norwood secondary college
    east doncaster secondary college
    mullauna secondary college
    sherbrooke community school
    mount evelyn christian school
    heathmont college
    boronia k-12 college
    1 University
    swinburne university

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