Living in
Hahndorf, SA

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Hahndorf Statistics

Location Details
  • Region

    Adelaide Hills
  • Population

  • Nearest Capital

  • Nearest Airport

    Adelaide intl 34km
  • Median House Price

  • March Temp °C
    25 / 11

Hahndorf is a small town in South Australia. Settled by 19th-century Lutheran migrants, its known for its original German-style architecture and artisanal food. Hahndorf Academy is home to the German Migration Museum, tracing local history. North of town, the Cedars houses the studio and art of German-born landscape painter Sir Hans Heysen. Numerous wineries in the nearby Adelaide Hills offer tours and tastings.


Image credit: Tourism Australia


Living in regional Australia gives you access to a wealth of community services, such as hospitals, libraries, bars and eateries.

Data source: Department of Health Commonwealth declared hospitals [2021], Australia Post. Google [2021]

Amenities within 50km of Hahndorf

Doctors & Allied Health
Post Office
Bars & Eateries
Groceries & Convenience


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Comparison to median State house price

Property in Hahndorf

Based on LGA data

Median House Price


Rental House Median Price Per Month


Data source: ABS, [2019, 2020], LGA updated [2021], Corelogic [2025]

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    Time to tick some boxes. Discover what different regions across Australia offer in terms of education and find the places that match your needs.

    Number of Institutions


    Data sources:

    Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, Wikipedia, 4icu.

    Schools And Universities in Hahndorf

    Education within 25KM of Hahndorf

    269 Childcare Centres
    hahndorf primary school oshc
    zebra early learning centre
    camp australia - st michael's lutheran primary school oshc
    the hills christian community early learning centre
    the hills christian community school oshc
    mylor primary school oshc
    oakbank area school oshc
    camp australia - bridgewater primary school oshc
    the learning sanctuary littlehampton
    genius childcare - oakbank
    aldgate primary school oshc
    the hills montessori school inc preschool
    emali early learning centre - littlehampton
    the hills montessori school inc oshc
    littlehampton early learning centre
    mount barker kindergarten inc
    camp australia - mount barker primary school oshc
    alive catholic early learning (mount barker)
    camp australia - st mark's lutheran school oshc
    stirling east out of school hours care
    the willows children's centre for early childhood development and parenting
    camp australia - mount barker south primary school oshc
    stirling community early learning centre
    the ranges early learning and care centre - stirling
    mount barker community child care centre
    nairne primary school oshc
    the ranges infant toddler centre
    crafers primary school oshc
    camp australia - st catherine's school oshc
    where we grow elc mt barker
    uraidla primary school oshc
    uraidla and hills community kindergarten
    mt barker waldorf preschool
    woodside primary school oshc
    norton summit primary school oshc
    hawthorndene primary school oshc
    st john's grammar school oshc & vacation care
    st peter's girls early learners centre
    saint peter's collegiate girls school oshc
    seymour oshc
    seymour early years
    burnside primary school oshc
    children's educational care centre (sa) pty ltd
    st john's grammar early learning centre
    coromandel valley primary school oshc
    rostrevor college stepping stone early learning centre
    belair primary school oshc
    waite campus childrens centre
    goodstart early learning blackwood
    goodstart early learning magill - penfold road
    mercedes college oshc
    precious cargo myrtle bank
    guardian childcare & education coromandel valley
    blackwood community child care centre
    jescott montessori preschool
    precious cargo blackwood
    scotch college early learning centre
    ymca scotch college oshc
    craigburn primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning linden park
    meadows primary school oshc
    st peters lutheran early learning centre
    st peters lutheran school oshc
    goodstart early learning rostrevor
    the jessie brown pre-kindergarten
    stradbroke primary school oshc
    advanced early learning centre
    pembroke school early learning centre
    highgate school oshc
    conyngham street community children's centre
    st joseph's school oshc tranmere
    blackwood oshc
    mitcham preschool temporary location
    happy haven oshc mitcham
    concordia college early learning centre
    concordia college out of school hours care
    loreto early learning centre
    st joseph's memorial preschool - norwood
    st joseph's memorial school oshc - kensington
    st joseph's school oshc - kingswood
    sunrise christian school fullarton oshc
    thorndon park primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning clapham
    st raphael's parish school oshc
    hawthorn child care centre
    norwood community creche inc
    wanslea child care centre
    kangarilla/clarendon oshc - kangarilla
    st morris community child care centre
    wendy's early learning centre
    campbelltown community children's centre
    parkside community child care centre oshc
    rose park primary school oshc
    stepping stone aberfoyle park childcare & early development centre
    cranley house nursery school and elc
    victoria park child care centre
    rose park community childcare
    aberfoyle hub community children's centre
    hyde park nursery school & early learning centre
    rosemont house montessori
    ymca unley oshc
    colonel light gardens world of learning
    walford early learning centre out of school hours care
    walford early learning centre
    camp australia - st therese school oshc
    lilliput village montessori
    little oxford montessori
    bellevue heights primary school oshc
    aberfoyle campus schools oshc
    unley early learning centre
    parkside community child care & early learning centre
    trinity gardens primary school oshc
    cedars montessori preschool
    unley mothercraft nursery and kindergarten
    montessori kids
    ymca st francis of assisi oshc
    athelstone school oshc
    norwood out of school hours care
    ymca our saviour lutheran oshc
    montessori house newton
    aberfoyle hub r-7 school oshc
    st joseph's preschool - hectorville
    st joseph's school oshc - hectorville
    the learning sanctuary norwood
    unley community childcare centre
    christian brothers college early learning centre
    st joseph's school oshc payneham
    treetops early learning centre - stepney
    st joseph's preschool - payneham
    treetops early learning centre - stepney - wattle house
    prince alfred college early learning centre
    happy haven oshc charles campbell college
    prince alfred college oshc
    halifax st children's centre & preschool
    ymca westbourne park oshc
    st peters child care centre & preschool
    goodstart early learning payneham
    precious cargo westbourne park
    christian brothers college oshc
    il nido children's centres for early childhood development and parenting
    goodstart early learning campbelltown
    felixstow community school oshc
    the briars preschool
    stepping stone marden childcare & early development centre
    christian brothers college senior campus oshc
    st thomas preschool
    camp australia - st thomas school oshc
    st peter's college early learning centre
    pulteney grammar school oshc
    camp australia - st bernadette's school oshc
    pulteney grammar school early learning centre
    daws road early learning centre
    goodstart early learning aberfoyle park
    annesley early learning centre
    annesley oshc
    sunrise paradise early learning centre
    goodstart early learning clovelly park
    sunrise christian school paradise oshc
    goodwood community child care centre
    happy valley primary school oshc
    chancery lane montessori pre-school pty ltd
    stepping stone happy valley childcare & early development centre
    paradise oshc
    st aloysius college oshc
    goodwood primary school oshc/vac
    guardian childcare & education flinders street
    highbury primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning melrose park
    guardian childcare & education paradise
    city community children’s centre - gilbert street campus
    the community child care centre at flinders medical centre
    colonel light gardens primary school oshc
    stepping stone klemzig childcare & early learning centre
    precious cargo montessori child care & early learning centre
    rainbow zebra family day care
    ladybird manor montessori early learning
    clovelly park primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning bedford park
    sturt street community child care
    sturt street community school oshc
    grey ward children's centre
    lil sprouts child care centre
    st anthony's school oshc
    city west child care centre
    happy haven oshc klemzig
    camp australia - torrens valley christian school oshc
    black forest primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning hope valley
    inner north east adelaide ymca oshc
    happy haven oshc vale park
    st mary's college oshc
    walkerville pre-kindy
    sunrise christian school marion oshc
    gatehouse montessori
    happy haven oshc modbury south
    modbury special school vacation care program
    st pius x school oshc
    walkerville primary school oshc
    little shining stars early learning centre - klemzig
    goldilocks child care centre
    st andrew's school early learning centre inc.
    camp australia - st andrews school oshc
    camp australia - wilderness school oshc
    wilderness school
    gumeracha primary school oshc
    st agnes oshc
    torrens valley children's centre
    stepping stone rah childcare & early development centre
    st monica's parish school oshc/vac
    ardtornish primary school oshc
    warradale community children's centre inc parkholme campus
    treetops early learning centre - hillcrest
    westminster school oshc
    precious cargo collinswood
    happy valley community children's centre
    westminster school early learning centre
    north adelaide primary school oshc
    richmond primary school oshc
    o'halloran hill early learning centre
    treetops early learning centre - marleston
    glandore private kindergarten and child care centre
    ascot park primary school oshc and vacation care
    north east community children's centre
    hillcrest primary school oshc
    casa bambini south plympton
    wandana preschool
    modbury community children's centre
    wandana avenue early learning & kinder
    tafe sa - tea tree gully campus child care centre
    tea tree gully primary school oshc
    camp australia - stella maris parish school oshc
    goodstart early learning plympton
    braeview primary school oshc
    rainbow childcare centre
    plympton primary oshc
    kidz club child care and educational centre
    st martin's catholic primary school oshc
    blackfriars priory school early learning centre
    stepping stone tea tree gully childcare & early development centre
    tea tree gully childcare centre
    blackfriars priory school oshc
    camp australia - st john the baptist catholic school oshc
    emmaus catholic school oshc
    camp australia - st paul's college oshc
    camp australia - tenison woods catholic primary school oshc
    goodstart early learning prospect
    sturt child care centre
    mooringe world of learning
    st george college early learning centre
    nailsworth primary school oshc
    modbury west school oshc and vacation care
    northgate early learning and kindergarten
    warradale community children's centre - warradale
    ashgrove house nursery school & elc
    saint david's parish school oshc
    goodstart early learning marleston
    lady gowrie child centre thebarton campus
    modbury cpc - 7 oshc
    camp australia - woodcroft primary school oshc
    camp australia - christ the king school oshc
    cedar college out of school hours care
    little kindy dover gardens
    warradale primary school oshc
    ridgehaven oshc
    seaview downs primary school oshc
    stepping stone lightsview childcare & early development centre
    daphne street child care and specialist early learning centre
    montessori house morphettville
    regency road child care centre & kindergarten
    174 Primary Schools
    clarendon primary school
    callington primary school
    aberfoyle hub r-7 school
    happy valley primary school
    oneschool global sa - aberfoyle campus
    our saviour lutheran school happy valley incorporated
    pilgrim school
    school of the nativity
    thiele primary school
    kangarilla primary school
    craigburn primary school
    emmaus catholic school
    woodcroft primary school
    reynella east college
    flagstaff hill primary school
    braeview school r-7
    coromandel valley primary school
    st peters lutheran school
    lobethal lutheran school
    lobethal primary school
    scott creek primary school
    blackwood primary school
    iqra college
    bellevue heights primary school
    hawthorndene primary school
    eden hills primary school
    upper sturt primary school
    seaview downs primary school
    belair primary school
    woodside primary school
    darlington primary school
    stella maris parish school
    sunrise christian school marion
    st john's grammar school
    heathfield primary school
    st bernadette's school
    clapham primary school
    marion primary school
    st therese school
    clovelly park primary school
    westminster school
    st catherine's school
    sacred heart college - middle school campus
    lenswood primary school
    colonel light gardens primary school
    christ the king school
    scotch college - torrens park campus
    mylor primary school
    warradale primary school
    mercedes college
    aldgate primary school
    ascot park primary school
    meadows primary school
    crafers primary school
    echunga primary school
    mitcham primary school
    edwardstown primary school
    st joseph's school
    dara school
    westbourne park primary school
    forbes primary school
    cabra dominican college
    highgate school
    st anthony's school
    concordia college
    paracombe primary school
    emmaus christian college
    glen osmond primary school
    walford anglican school for girls
    seymour college
    sunrise christian school fullarton
    oakbank area school
    st john the baptist catholic school
    unley primary school
    black forest primary school
    modbury west school
    st thomas' school
    saint spyridon college
    plympton international college
    plympton primary school
    goodwood primary school
    linden park primary school
    st raphael's school
    parkside primary school
    annesley college
    dernancourt school r-7
    wandana primary school
    richmond primary school
    pinnacle college - gilles plains campus
    basket range primary school
    nairne primary school
    pulteney grammar school
    gilles street primary school
    charles campbell college
    st paul's college
    rose park primary school
    sunrise christian school paradise
    sturt street community school
    st francis of assisi school
    tenison woods catholic primary school
    stradbroke school
    avenues college
    christian brothers' college
    st aloysius college
    rostrevor college
    st mary's college
    cowandilla primary school
    norwood primary school
    macclesfield primary school
    prince alfred college
    east torrens primary school
    heritage college
    temple christian college
    st peter's college
    st george college
    east marden primary school
    littlehampton primary school
    st joseph's school
    st pius x school
    cedar college
    hillcrest primary school
    magill school
    mount torrens christian school
    hahndorf primary school
    uraidla primary school
    st michael's lutheran school
    norton summit primary school
    the hills christian community school - verdun campus
    tea tree gully primary school
    st joseph's school
    klemzig primary school
    saint david's parish school
    st dominic's priory college
    st martin's catholic primary school
    felixstow community school
    north adelaide primary school
    st agnes primary school
    hampstead primary school
    highbury primary school
    st francis de sales college
    bridgewater primary school
    gumeracha primary school
    wilderness school
    open access college
    st peter's collegiate girls' school
    st joseph's school
    walkerville primary school
    vale park primary school
    mount barker primary school
    ridgehaven primary school
    ardtornish primary school
    blackfriars priory school
    trinity gardens school
    athelstone school
    st mark's lutheran school
    torrens valley christian school
    pembroke school - middle school campus
    burnside primary school
    modbury south primary school
    thorndon park primary school
    marryatville primary school
    st monica's parish school
    mount barker waldorf school
    mount barker south primary school
    east adelaide school
    the hills montessori school - wairoa campus
    st andrew's school
    st joseph's memorial school
    saint ignatius' college - senior school campus
    nailsworth primary school
    stirling east primary school
    loreto college
    modbury school preschool to year 7
    paradise primary school
    75 High Schools
    aberfoyle park high school
    oneschool global sa - aberfoyle campus
    reynella east college
    blackwood high school
    iqra college
    australian science and mathematics school
    seaview high school
    sunrise christian school marion
    st john's grammar school
    heathfield high school
    springbank secondary college
    westminster school
    hamilton secondary college
    sacred heart college - middle school campus
    scotch college - torrens park campus
    mercedes college
    dara school
    unley high school
    mitcham girls high school
    urrbrae agricultural high school
    cabra dominican college
    concordia college
    emmaus christian college
    walford anglican school for girls
    seymour college
    seda college sa
    oakbank area school
    plympton international college
    glenunga international high school
    kildare college
    pinnacle college - gilles plains campus
    pulteney grammar school
    charles campbell college
    st paul's college
    muirden senior college
    st aloysius college
    christian brothers' college
    avenues college
    eynesbury senior college
    rostrevor college
    st mary's college
    specialised assistance school for youth (sasy)
    prince alfred college
    adelaide high school
    adelaide international school
    heritage college
    temple christian college
    st peter's college
    university senior college at adelaide university
    st george college
    adelaide botanic high school
    cedar college
    mount torrens christian school
    the hills christian community school - verdun campus
    st dominic's priory college
    norwood morialta high school
    banksia park international high school
    cornerstone college
    st francis de sales college
    wilderness school
    marden senior college
    open access college
    st peter's collegiate girls' school
    blackfriars priory school
    torrens valley christian school
    prescott college
    pembroke school - middle school campus
    mount barker high school
    modbury high school
    mount barker waldorf school
    mary mackillop college
    the hills montessori school - wairoa campus
    saint ignatius' college - senior school campus
    marryatville high school
    loreto college
    11 Universities
    the university of adelaide
    university of south australia
    torrens university
    flinders university
    flinders university
    flinders university
    the university of adelaide
    cq university
    university of south australia
    university of south australia
    australian catholic university
    1 Tafe
    tafe sa

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