Living in
Sutton, NSW

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Sutton Statistics

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    Canberra 23km
  • Median House Price

  • March Temp °C
    25 / 11

Sutton, meaning ‘South Settlement’ in Saxon, is a small village in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia in Yass Valley Shire. It is situated on the west bank of the Yass River, about 17 kilometres south of Gundaroo, near the Federal Highway, not far from Canberra.


Living in regional Australia gives you access to a wealth of community services, such as hospitals, libraries, bars and eateries.

Data source: Department of Health Commonwealth declared hospitals [2021], Australia Post. Google [2021]

Amenities within 50km of Sutton

Doctors & Allied Health
Post Office
Bars & Eateries
Groceries & Convenience


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Comparison to median State house price

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Based on LGA data

Rental House Median Price Per Month


Data source: ABS, [2019, 2020], LGA updated [2021]

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    Number of Institutions


    Data sources:

    Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, Wikipedia, 4icu.

    Schools And Universities in Sutton

    Education within 25KM of Sutton

    247 Childcare Centres
    ymca sutton outside school hours care
    country bumpkins early learning centre
    mother teresa early learning centre
    kids biz oshc
    harrison early childhood centre
    harrison school - preschool unit
    harrison oshclub
    burgmann anglican school - preschool - forde campus
    burgmann outside school hours care - forde
    guardian childcare & education forde
    neville bonner primary school - preschool unit
    communities@work neville bonner out of school hours care
    franklin early childhood school preschool unit
    anglicare at franklin early childhood school
    winyu early childhood service
    gungahlin montessori academy
    yerrabi ponds by busy bees
    nido early school amaroo
    gungahlin children's centre
    kids biz holidays and sports pty ltd
    gungahlin kinder haven
    amaroo school - preschool unit
    communities@work amaroo out of school hours care
    teamkids - good shepherd
    guardian childcare & education gungahlin
    ywca majura school age care
    burgmann anglican school - preschool - valley campus
    burgmann outside school hours care - valley
    majura primary school - watson preschool unit
    nipperville early learning centre
    north ainslie primary school - hackett preschool unit
    rosary oshclub
    blue gum outside school hours (bgosh)
    blue gum early learning centre hackett
    palmerston district primary school - preschool unit
    communities@work palmerston out of school hours care
    ngunnawal primary school - preschool unit
    communities@work ngunnawal out of school hours care
    communities@work ngunnawal child care & education centre
    margaret hendry school preschool unit
    margaret hendry oshc
    lyneham primary school - downer preschool unit
    pinocchio early learning centre dickson
    majura early childhood centre
    holy spirit early learning centre, nicholls
    north ainslie primary school - preschool unit
    ymca north ainslie school age care
    busy bees at crace
    springbank rise by busy bees
    nicholls early childhood centre
    nicholls oshclub
    gold creek school - nicholls preschool unit
    emmaus christian school canberra limited
    ymca kaleen after school care
    kaleen primary school - preschool unit
    wonderschool (dickson) pty limited
    ymca st michael's after school care
    blue gum early learning centre
    brindabella christian college early learning centre
    lyneham primary school - preschool unit
    totom house multicultural early childhood centre
    ywca lyneham school age care
    gundaroo outside school hours care centre (gosh)
    ainslie school - ainslie baker gardens preschool unit
    wattle early childhood centre
    ymca giralang after school care
    giralang primary school - preschool unit
    my little star early learning centre
    gold creek world of learning
    st joseph's early learning centre
    camp australia - st joseph’s p-6 school oshc
    maribyrnong primary school - preschool unit
    communities@work maribyrnong out of school hours care
    kaleen cubby house
    bright bees early learning (nicholls)
    ainslie out of school hours care
    turner school - preschool unit
    ywca turner school age care
    country children's early learning
    ku braddon children's centre
    goodstart early learning braddon
    ywca o'connor school age care
    cooperative school - preschool unit
    teamkids - st thomas more's primary
    st philip's kindergarten association incorporated
    campbell primary school - preschool unit
    campbell after school activity centre
    canberra grammar school northside pre-kindergarten
    ywca campbell cottage
    ainslie school - reid preschool unit
    treehouse in the park early learning centre (ncs)
    sage education and childcare
    goodstart early learning turner
    gold creek school - hall preschool unit
    ywca family day care
    evatt primary school - preschool unit
    ais caretaker's cottage child care centre
    binara early childhood centre
    mini miracles early learning centre
    guardian childcare & education bruce
    reid early childhood centre
    civic early childhood centre
    goodstart early learning anu
    yurauna early childhood centre
    bruce early childhood centre
    guardian childcare & education allara street
    kirinari early childhood centre
    radford college early learning centre
    radford college after school care
    mt rogers primary school - spence preschool unit
    baringa child care centre
    spence children's cottage
    one tree defence childcare unit russell hill
    ymca early learning centre belconnen
    miles franklin out of school hours care
    miles franklin primary school - preschool unit
    bruce ridge early childhood centre
    st monica's out of school hours care
    cubby house on campus - early learning centre
    acton early childhood centre
    papilio early learning bruce
    university preschool and child care centre
    heritage early childhood centre
    sdn bluebell early childhood education centre
    mt rogers primary school - melba preschool unit
    ginninderra early childhood centre
    communities@work mt rogers out of school hours care
    amazing family day care pty ltd
    communities@work abacus child care and education centre
    aranda afters
    aranda primary school - preschool unit
    ymca st vincent's school age care
    belconnen early childhood centre
    artemis early learning fyshwick
    birralee education and care centre
    rainbow cottage early childhood centre
    papilio early learning barton
    acacia children's education & care centre
    early sun shine family day care
    stella bella children's centre
    ymca early learning centre jamison
    fraser primary school - preschool unit
    fraser primary school after school care program
    petit early learning journey barton
    mt rogers primary school - flynn preschool unit
    florey primary school - preschool unit
    florey oshc program
    flynn early childhood education centre
    bright minds academy belconnen
    communities@work capital hill early childhood centre
    currawong child care centre
    milestones early learning bungendore
    macquarie child care centre
    guardian childcare & education forrest
    goodstart early learning kingston
    telopea park p&c school age care program
    bungendore preschool
    camp australia - queanbeyan east public school oshc
    country kids club
    create imagine learn queanbeyan
    ymca bungendore oshc
    charnwood dunlop school - preschool unit
    charnwood after school care
    ywca macquarie school age care
    macquarie primary school - preschool unit
    forrest early childhood centre
    kin early learning centre
    forrest out of school hours care
    cooinda cottage
    crestwood world of learning
    crest road early learning centre
    st john the apostle oshclub
    narrabundah early childhood school preschool unit
    communities@work narrabundah early childhood service
    the narrabundah children's cottage senior campus 2
    campbell street child care & early education centre
    narrabundah children's cottage
    schools out queanbeyan west
    nan's child care centre
    st thomas aquinas early learning centre
    st thomas aquinas oshclub
    st matthew's oshclub
    brindabella christian college early learning centre charnwood
    ducklings early education
    canberra girls grammar school early learning centre
    latham primary school - preschool unit
    ymca latham after school care
    canberra girls grammar school age care
    ywca yarralumla after school care
    aeon academy
    yarralumla primary school - montessori school
    yarralumla primary school - preschool unit
    southern cross early childhood school preschool unit
    anglicare at southern cross ecs
    griffith oshc
    papilio early learning yarralumla
    ymca weetangera after school care
    weetangera primary school - preschool unit
    teamkids - st benedict's primary
    queanbeyan-palerang family day care
    kindy patch cuddly bear queanbeyan
    forrest primary school - deakin preschool unit
    ymca st gregory's oshc
    schools out queanbeyan public school aged care
    harris park preschool
    st nicholas greek-australian pre school and childcare centre
    kids club symonston early learning centre
    precious momentz pty ltd
    canberra grammar school early learning centre
    cgs care
    deakin school for early learning
    ywca hawker school age care
    hawker primary school - preschool unit
    caftan pty limited trading as urban education elc
    little penguins early learning centre
    nurtureone holt children’s centre
    ywca kingsford smith school age care
    kingsford smith school - preschool unit
    red hill oshc
    red hill primary school - preschool unit
    ymca early learning centre holt
    ywca st bede's school age care
    busy bees on furlong road
    ku queanbeyan south early learning centre
    macgregor primary school - preschool unit
    ymca south queanbeyan oshc
    waratah pre-school
    ymca queanbeyan oshc
    karabar preschool
    hughes oshc
    hughes primary school - preschool unit
    teddy bears child care centre
    cheeky chicken early learning centre
    curtin primary school - curtin north preschool unit
    goodstart early learning garran
    holy trinity early learning centre
    kids biz oshc - holy trinity
    garran oshc
    garran primary school - preschool unit
    curtin oshc
    st peter and paul oshclub
    kids club phillip early learning centre
    curtin primary school - curtin south preschool unit
    woden valley child care centre
    active gamers australia
    woden early childhood centre
    greater kids
    76 Primary Schools
    sutton public school
    mother teresa school
    harrison school
    neville bonner primary school
    franklin early childhood school
    amaroo school
    good shepherd primary school
    burgmann anglican school
    majura primary school
    taqwa school
    rosary primary school
    blue gum community school
    palmerston district primary school
    ngunnawal primary school
    margaret hendry school
    holy spirit primary school
    north ainslie primary school
    emmaus christian school
    gold creek school
    kaleen primary school
    st michael's primary school
    brindabella christian college
    gundaroo public school
    lyneham primary school
    canberra jewish school
    giralang primary school
    st joseph's primary school
    maribyrnong primary school
    ainslie school
    turner school
    st thomas more's primary school
    o'connor cooperative school
    campbell primary school
    evatt primary school
    radford college
    miles franklin primary school
    st monica's primary school
    mount rogers primary school
    aranda primary school
    st vincent's primary school
    fraser primary school
    florey primary school
    telopea park school
    queanbeyan east public school
    bungendore public school
    macquarie primary school
    charnwood-dunlop school
    st edmund's college canberra
    forrest primary school
    st john the apostle primary school
    narrabundah early childhood school
    queanbeyan west public school
    st thomas aquinas primary school
    latham primary school
    yarralumla primary school
    st gregory's primary school
    st matthew's primary school
    southern cross early childhood school
    finigan school of distance education
    canberra girls grammar school
    weetangera primary school
    st benedict's primary school
    queanbeyan public school
    canberra grammar school
    hawker primary school
    canberra montessori school - red hill campus
    st bede's primary school
    kingsford smith school
    red hill primary school
    queanbeyan south public school
    macgregor primary school
    hughes primary school
    holy trinity primary school
    garran primary school
    sts peter and paul primary school
    curtin primary school
    34 High Schools
    harrison school
    gungahlin college
    amaroo school
    burgmann anglican school
    blue gum community school
    dickson college
    st john paul ii college
    gold creek school
    emmaus christian school
    daramalan college
    brindabella christian college
    lyneham high school
    university of canberra high school kaleen
    merici college
    campbell high school
    radford college
    university of canberra senior secondary college lake ginninderra
    canberra high school
    melba copland secondary school
    telopea park school
    st clare's college
    st edmund's college canberra
    st francis xavier college
    finigan school of distance education
    canberra girls grammar school
    queanbeyan high school
    narrabundah college
    belconnen high school
    canberra grammar school
    hawker college
    kingsford smith school
    karabar high school
    alfred deakin high school
    the canberra college
    6 Universities
    australian catholic university
    university of canberra
    australian national university
    charles sturt university
    charles sturt university
    1 Tafe
    canberra institute of technology

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