Careers at Council
Kiama - Image 1

Work Experience Application

Kiama Municipal Council

Date posted: February 20, 2019

Closes: Dec 30, 2024

Kiama Council supports and recognises the benefits that work experience and therefore offer meaningful unpaid experience to help local students (High School, VET qualification and University) gain real world skills and enhance their future employment opportunities. Work experience opportunities are unpaid and must be supported as part of a recognised program or course of study.

  • To be considered eligible you must:

    • Be a current secondary school or tertiary student.
    • Be required to complete relevant nominal hours of practical experience as part of your course.
    • Have a specific work area in mind.
    • Have a specific date period.
    • Be provided with insurance coverage by your educational institution for the duration of your work experience at Council.

Placements will depend on whether the work area can provide an effective on-the-job experience. 


Please complete the application form below. You will need an Email address.

On the NEXT page you will have to attach Insurance cover details and any other supporting information.

For more information contact: Human Resources on 4232 0444 or email


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Respect | Integrity | Innovation | Teamwork | Excellence

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